Wednesday 3 March 2010

Twisted Armour

Nine months,
Now I'm finally free,
No longer a foetus,
But a born child.

Protected from the world,
In my safe cocoon,
Building my existence,
Gaining my strength,
Cocoon opening up,
I can break free.

Out in the world,
I must look jaded,
Not knowing which way to go,
North, East, South or West.

Walking in the wilderness,
Trying to find my ground,
Battling for a place of existence,
Out with my cocoon.

Through my journey of life,
I've been loved, hurt and betrayed.
But my armour serves me well,
With the knowledge I have within.

No matter how many times you may knock me down,
I shall rise again,
Just a little twisted.

You can pound into my armour,
Beat me as much as you can,
You shall only dent a little of me,
The strength I have is within me.

The day my armour goes,
Is the day I am laid to rest,
For as long as I shall live,
My armour will shine,
Bent up but never bruised,
Twisted Armour,
A true existing voice.

A Friends analysis:

Twisted armour, literally is armour that has been thru battle and come out the worse for wear, all bent up. So then it is a metaphor for life.....the battle is life and the armour, our protection, was whole at birth but the battle of life has bent it. but we still have to fight on, although we have less protection. which could be either a good thing or a bad thing.....bad because we have to face a lot being vulnerable, as humans are, but if we were in a cosy little cocoon we couldn’t experience life properly, so the battle would be flawed.

© Clair Sanders

Monday 1 March 2010

The Dying Man

If I was to leave here tonight,
I'd pray I'd leave in your arms,
Holding me close like you once did before,
Looking down into my eyes,
As we say our final goodbyes.

To you my young love I leave behind,
No more sadness, tears or smiles,
I see heaven calling,
With its bright stars soaring up high.

High up in the sky,
Where you see the shooting star flying by,
Knowing its taking my soul to rest,
Forever and ever,
I shall be laid to rest.

Remember our fun times,
Our happy times,
The laughter and the smiles,
Remember when our love was new,
When our love grew,
Remember I'll always be here with you.

I never intended to leave this earth,
I wanted to be here til the end of time,
I wanted to get down on my knee,
Ask you to marry me,
Ask you to love me til the end of time.

But now as I lay here slipping away,
Seeing heaven calling out to me,
Knowing my life is slipping away from me,
Holding your hand,
Grip slowly fading away,
Breath slowly coming to an end,
Letting go of your hand.

Heading towards heaven now,
Looking down on you,
Knowing that one day,
You'll be my by my side in heaven.

© Clair Sanders

Saturday 21 November 2009

Life is like a flower, we start out as a seed and bloom in to something special :)

© Clair Sanders

Tuesday 10 November 2009

07-11-09 Congrats to Ross and Hannah

My favourite pic of the happy couple!! Who took it....yours truly! Finding a new passion for photography, prefer being behind the camera than in front of it. Congrats you guys, love ya loads!!

© Clair Sanders

Tuesday 20 October 2009

Please and Thank You

So this is my topic for today. Why? Well personal reasons really, went to get (a very close friend) a present to her for her birthday, and although she wasn't in, I posted it through her letter box. I also sent her a text message to let her know that I had done it, so she knew I hadn't forgot about her birthday. I'm not asking for much, just a small text or even a message online to say she got it and two simple words, thank you!!!!!

Yes this has annoyed me, as for one, I rank her as one of my closest friends. I have been there through thick and thin for her. Most of the time it's me being there for her. Sometimes wonder if this friendship is one sided cos i do all the running as such. Hmmm, the turmoil.

But then, it's not just her that doesn't know how to say please, thank you, excuse me etc...I see and hear ignorance every day.

Sad how pathetic things become.

© Clair Sanders

Sunday 18 October 2009

RIP Steo

On October 10th 2009, a familar face on the boy band front, Stephen Gately, sadly passed away. Although I was never a huge boyzone fan, I seen them live several times and they filled a void when Take That went their seperate ways.

Stephen died of natural causes. The post mortem came back as Pulmonary oedema. Thoughts are with Stephen, his family, friends, bandmates and partner through their difficult time.

With watching youtube videos, one image caught my eye that summed him up (to me) about what he loved doing.

Good night young man, god bless.

© Clair Sanders

Saturday 17 October 2009

Father Of Hate

Here I am again,
All alone til the end,
Wondering if these tears will ever stop.

As they fall down my face,
I feel so empty and bare,
Thinking I don't even care.

I don't know where I've gone wrong,
All I wanted to be,
Was the perfect son.

I often looked up to you as a kid,
Playing footy in our back yard,
Always looking to you for advice,
When it would be about girls,
Or the crap show Miami Vice.

Then one fine day,
Nature called.
Time to grow up boy,
Time to become a man.

No matter how old I become,
You'll always be my dad,
And I'll always be your son.

So why do you treat me like crap?
Have I ever done you so much harm?
Being father and son,
Means going through thick and thin,
No matter how many times,
We both want to give in.

I don't think you even realise,
How much pain I have inside,
You were always to be the first...
To kick me on my backside.

I long for you to turn around,
To see the man I have become,
Still the same old son,
Just with more fire and fury,
C'mon where's the gun?

You know what Sir?
You can kiss my ass!
If you don't have any pride in me,
Why should I let that destroy me?

So you won't give me the hug I long for,
Don't worry Dad,
I'm now a soldier.

I'm going to march on,
Even if your not by my side,
I don't need a negative dictator like you,
To screw up my life.

I've realised I'm not alone,
I've got so many mates that you don't even know!
So here I dedicate this salute to them.

So we're not as close as we used to be,
Maybe that is the way things were meant to be.
Someone once told me,
Never to take the honey from the bee.

Looks like you've turned out to be the honey,
And I'm the bee,
So here we go father,
I want to be free.

© Clair Sanders