Wednesday, 3 March 2010

Twisted Armour

Nine months,
Now I'm finally free,
No longer a foetus,
But a born child.

Protected from the world,
In my safe cocoon,
Building my existence,
Gaining my strength,
Cocoon opening up,
I can break free.

Out in the world,
I must look jaded,
Not knowing which way to go,
North, East, South or West.

Walking in the wilderness,
Trying to find my ground,
Battling for a place of existence,
Out with my cocoon.

Through my journey of life,
I've been loved, hurt and betrayed.
But my armour serves me well,
With the knowledge I have within.

No matter how many times you may knock me down,
I shall rise again,
Just a little twisted.

You can pound into my armour,
Beat me as much as you can,
You shall only dent a little of me,
The strength I have is within me.

The day my armour goes,
Is the day I am laid to rest,
For as long as I shall live,
My armour will shine,
Bent up but never bruised,
Twisted Armour,
A true existing voice.

A Friends analysis:

Twisted armour, literally is armour that has been thru battle and come out the worse for wear, all bent up. So then it is a metaphor for life.....the battle is life and the armour, our protection, was whole at birth but the battle of life has bent it. but we still have to fight on, although we have less protection. which could be either a good thing or a bad thing.....bad because we have to face a lot being vulnerable, as humans are, but if we were in a cosy little cocoon we couldn’t experience life properly, so the battle would be flawed.

© Clair Sanders